Tom started the usual way any boy growing up in the country does. Long days in a field or in an outbuilding pulling apart machinery and trying to putting it back together (sorry Dad!)
meet the owner
Well as you can see Tom never made it to the catwalks of Milan or the cover of Vogue, which whilst sad for the ladies he was actually quite pleased about as his heart was always in engineering and resolving the many issue which come with the owning and management of machinery. Annoyingly Tom is still in his 20s but has an old head on young shoulders and comes with maturity and integrity unusual for someone of his years. Qualified in plant Maintenance and a diploma in land base engineering, with over 10 years "on the machines" he has a good skill base and having worked across the UK for a plant hire company he has a broad base of skills and was most recently Lead plant fitter for the G7 summit in St Ives |